YOGA8 Classes




Y8 - Healing
Y8 - Yin
Y8 - Hot Stretch and Recover


Y8 - Hatha Basics (Gentle) Y8 - Gentle Strength & Yoga
Y8 - Hatha Flow
Y8 - Vinyasa Flow


Y8 - HOT
Y8 - Hot Hatha Flow
Y8 - Hot Hatha Flow to Christian Music Y8 - Hot Vinyasa Flow
Y8 - Kick-Ur-Asana


Y8- Cardio Step



Y8 - Gentle Strength & Yoga Y8 - Strength


Y8 - Barre


Class Descriptions




Y8 - Healing

Beginner  /  45 mins  /  73° - 78°

Healing Yoga is a restorative style yoga focused on slow stretches and mindful breathing creating mental clarity and space in the body. This class is very low impact and requires very little stamina. EVERYONE should do this class at least once a week no matter if you are brand new to yoga or the fittest of the fittest. 


Y8 - Hot Stretch & Recover

Beginner  /  60 mins  /   95° - 105°

Hot Stretch & Release is a glorious stretch class in a heated room. It is the perfect class to help loosen up tight muscles and relax. This is a great class to help restore the body and connect with your breath. We recommend this class to everyone with limited flexibility and an achy body. Come relax and stretch with us.

Y8 - Yin

Beginner  /  60 mins  /   69° - 72°

Yin yoga works deep into the connective tissues to activate change at that deepest level. Yin is a fantastic way to increase or maintain flexibility as it focuses on the areas around the joints. You’ll immediately notice more open hips, buttery muscles and a major mind detox. In the long run, it will lubricate joints, release the fascia of the body, increase flexibility and positively affect your yang practice.




Y8 - Hatha Basics (Gentle)

Beginner  /  60 mins  /  73° - 75°

Hatha Basics is a great class that introduces some of the main stream poses in the practice of yoga. Hatha Basis combines postures (asanas) with conscious breathing and focus to develop strength, flexibility and mental clarity. Students can expect to develop body awareness and explore varied postures in a mixed-level environment. This class is a nice practice for anyone new to yoga or experienced yogis who want to sharpen their alignment and skills. This class has a slow to moderate pace so you will learn the fundamental yoga asanas (poses) and principles that create a successful and effective yoga practice.


Y8 - Vinyasa Flow

Intermediate  /  60 mins  /  73° - 75°

A Vinyasa Flow features asanas (postures) that are linked with the breath with very little rest between postures. It also incorporates use of drishtis, Sanskrit terminology, binds, longer holds, inversions and arm balances. The majority of the class is focused on linking breath with movement, but advanced postures may be workshopped throughout. The Vinyasa class combines the internal benefits of yoga while getting a great workout designed to build your endurance, strength, flexibility and confidence as you flow through a series of asanas (poses). 

New yogis may enjoy taking a Hatha Basics or Hatha Flow class to become familiar with basic asanas (poses) and lingo. We will be moving fairly fast. Be prepared to sweat.

Y8 - Hatha Flow

All Levels  /  60 mins  /  73° - 75°

If Hatha Basics and Vinyasa Flow had a baby they would name it Hatha Flow. Hatha Flow is a combination between Hatha Basics and Vinyasa Flow. Hatha Flow will break down the postures and alignment of mainstream poses and then start to link the breath with movement. This class has more movement than the Hatha Basics class but is not as rigorous as a Vinyasa Flow class. This is a great class for all levels.

Y8 - Warm Vinyasa Flow

All Levels  /  60 mins  /  80° - 90°

All the perks of a standard Vinyasa Flow class just adding in a little extra heat. The warm classes are performed in 80 - 95 degree room temperature. The heat allows for the body to go deeper quicker and to create the sopping wet sweat. It is oh soooooo good. Bring a towel and hydrate before you come to class.

Y8 - Vin/Yin

All Levels  /  60 mins  /  72° - 78 °

Do you love to flow but also love the deep tissue release of yin? Then you will LOVE Vin/Yin. This is a hybrid class that you will practice vinyasa flow the first half of the class and practice yin for the second half. This is the perfect balance of yin and yang.




Y8 - Hot

All Levels  /  60 mins  /  105°

This class is a set series of postures practiced in a room with added heat of 105 degrees and 30% humidity designed to build strength, balance, flexibility and promote a detoxifying sweat. The class includes breathing exercises, a standing series and a floor series. Classes are set to music and are suitable for all levels. A towel and water is a must. Please come to class well hydrated.


Y8 - Hot Hatha Flow

All Levels  /  60 mins  / 90° - 95°

All the perks of a standard Hatha Flow class just adding in a little extra heat. The warm classes are performed in 90 - 95 degree room temperature. The heat allows for the body to go deeper quicker and to create the sopping wet sweat. It is oh soooooo good. Bring a towel and hydrate before you come to class.


Y8 - Kick - Ur - Asana

Intermediate - Advanced  / 60 mins  /  80° - 90°

Change does not happen in your comfort zone and this class will take you out of your comfort zone no matter your fitness level. Kick Ur Asana is not your average yoga class.

Kick Ur Asana infuses yoga poses, gymnastics conditioning, plyometrics, functional movements at high intensity, and learning how to find comfort in discomfort. This class sounds intimidating but do not let that stop you. Just like all of our classes, this is YOUR practice. You can always rest when needed and if certain postures are not accessible we offer modifications. This class is designed to bring you to failure and ready for a nice peaceful savasana. Some yoga experience is suggested but not required.

Y8 - Hot 75

All Levels  /  75 mins  / 105°

Same great class as our standard Hot class but for 75 minutes instead of 60 mins.

This class is a set series of postures practiced in a room with added heat of 105 degrees and 30% humidity designed to build strength, balance, flexibility and promote a detoxifying sweat. The class includes breathing exercises, a standing series and a floor series. Classes are set to music and are suitable for all levels. A towel and water is a must. Please come to class well hydrated.


Y8 - Hot Hatha Flow with Christian music

All Levels  /  60 mins  /  90° - 95°

Hot Hatha Flow practiced to Christian music.




Y8 - Cardio Step & Strength

All Levels/ 45-60 mins / 73° - 78°

Let’s get pumped up for a heart-pounding thrilling class. Cardio Step & Strength is performed to high energy music; it is a half step aerobics and half strength class. This class has all the benefits of a high-intensity cardio workout without putting stress on your joints. It improves overall fitness by building strength,  boosting your cardiovascular health, toning the body, and helping reduce stress and anxiety.


Y8 - Mat Pilates

All Levels  /  45-60 min  /  73° - 78°

Mat Pilates is a low impact form of exercise that focuses on strengthening and lengthening your core (trunk) muscles while also training your arms and legs. This is a great practice if you are looking to build strength, tone the muscles and creates a long, lean body frame.




Y8 - Gentle Strength & Yoga

Y8 - Strength

Beginner  /  45 - 60 mins  /  69° - 72°

Strength begins with an active, full-body warm-up designed to engage the core and prepare all major muscle groups. This class utilizes resistance training and body weight exercise in order to accelerate change in the body, build strength, and increase core stability. This class finishes with gentle stretching and a light cool down.




Y8 - Barre

Beginner  /  45 - 60 mins  /  69° - 72°

Barre classes are inspired by components of yoga, ballet, and Pilates. It focuses on low-impact and high-intensity moves designed to tone and strengthen your body in ways different than other workouts. The barre is used to help you balance while doing these isometric moves. Barre classes also sometimes include small balls, hand weights, and resistance bands to do some floor work. The low impact of barre workouts focuses on properly aligning your body. This is a great and fun workout.